
31 and 32 Weeks

We made it past 32 weeks!
This makes me happy.

I've had lots of Dr.'s appointments and things are still looking good, which I am so grateful for.

Fun Facts From the Past 2 Weeks
-Both babies are breech now!  Both heads are up by my ribs and feet are down...which likely 
means a c-section is in my near future since every week there is less room for them to turn around.

-Speaking of a c-section...after talking with my Dr's, we have decided that they will deliver me at 38 weeks if I make it that far!  So, we scheduled a c-section for 38 weeks in case I do make it that far and they are still breech.  What does this mean???  That we know we will have our two babies in our arms on April 9th at the latest!!!  That's only 5.5 weeks away!  That's only 38 days away!!!  I'm so excited :)

-Baby Boy is weighing about 4 lbs 8 oz
Baby Girl is weighing about 4 lbs 15 oz
Dr's are VERY pleased with both their weights
This means I have almost 10 lbs of baby inside of me.  Crazy!

-I haven't dilated any more and my contractions are still only happening a couple times a day.  Some of the contractions are back labor pains, but I only get them 1-2 times a day so not 
enough to be a concern thank goodness.

And here are pictures of the ever growing belly!

Week 30
(I decided to include this to see the comparison from my last pregnancy update)

Week 31

Week 32
(It's funny, my belly almost looks smaller in this pic than the one from 31 weeks.  But believe me, it's still growing.  Maybe it looks different because the babies changed positions.)


  1. Breech babies. Must be a Gille thing:) Matt was born breech but Vicki had him naturally. Pretty crazy.

    In the end two healthy babies is all that matters! And c section isn't all that bad. On the bright side itll only be 1 cut for 2 babies. That's nice for if want babie via c section:)

  2. Ahhh so exciting! You just keep getting cuter and cuter

  3. You look so great! I seriously looked that like at that point, but I only had one child in me. :) BTW Ryan's sister got accepted to BYU, so thanks for all your help!

    1. I'm SO glad that she got in!!! That's great news! And thanks :) I know you looked great when you were prego at Ragnar so whatever you did it worked!

  4. Yay for the butterballs! They're definitely doing all they can to make sure they'll be big and healthy whenever it's time to meet their amazing parents. Oh, it's so exciting that you have a date so you know you won't have to wait any longer than that and might actually get to meet them sooner. So happy for you!

    And it's amazing that you can still look cute and petite even with 10 pounds of babies sticking out in front of you. You're one lucky pregnant girl!

    Like Hollie said, breech must be a Gille thing. I was going to be breech too, but a midwife oiled my mom's stomach and then pushed me to be the right way. I was born face-up, but at least it was head first. Guess they didn't figure out Matt was breech in time to try that.

    I wonder if it would be possible for someone to massage your babies into the right position--it's gotta be harder with two of them if it's even possible. And I don't remember if my mom said it was painful for her, but it seems like it would be. There's not a lot of room in there for synchronized swimming!

    But hey, if you do a C section your babies won't have coneheads! :) They'll be cute as can be no matter which way they come though.
